Result | Straight list | Lane statistics | Teams statistics | Most aces in a row

Individual result for

Lenka Dolezelova, 1. DGC Bystrice pod Hostưnem, Czech Republic

R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 R10 R11
1Pyramids1 1 1 1
2Loop1 2 1 1
3Labyrinth1 1 1 1
4Angle1 1 1 1
5Pipe2 1 1 1
6V1 1 1 1
7Straight lane with target hill1 2 1 1
8Double waves1 1 1 1
9Middle hill1 1 1 1
10Plateau1 1 1 1
11Sloped circle with kidney1 1 1 1
12Passages1 1 2 1
13Flat loop1 1 1 1
14Double wedges1 1 1 1
15Rhombus1 1 1 1
16Truncated cones1 1 1 2
17Sticks2 1 2 2
18Lightning1 1 1 1

Sum 20 20 20 20
Average: 20,0
Total result: 80

Result | Straight list | Lane statistics | Teams statistics | Most aces in a row